Cronnet eye clinic is a provider of quality, affordable and sustainable eye care, aimed at providing an excellent patient experience. We ensure personalized eye care with the use of modern state of the art equipment and facilities.
We provide vision solutions to individuals, schools and corporate organizations.
Our Friendly Office
Our Location
Eyeglasses in few hours
Dr Amobi Maureen, O.D,MNOA
Senior Optometrist
Dr Maureen has a passion to reach out to many through eye care. With close to a decade experience in the eye care industry, she brings in expertise and professionalism.
Dr Maureen is a licensed optometrist and registered with ODORBN. She is also an active member of the Nigerian optometric association.
Your eyes are the doorway to your heart. They reflect your emotions and your inner being. Take care of it.
Giving Back to the community
Sight is precious to all and we reach out to many through social corporate responsibility projects [CSR],
like community outreaches, eye care sensitization talks in schools and our sight awareness campaign.